Purchase information

  1. Purchase information

Transport of goods - we offer you options: 1 - Personal collection of the ordered goods in our ZAX SHOP Komárno, Platánová Alej / Velkodunajské nábrežie - free of charge. It is possible to pay directly in ZAX SHOP in cash or by payment card 2 - GLS Slovakia courier to the desired address: for order value up to €70, the price for the shipment is €6 - payment of the price of the goods online - free of charge - for orders of goods over €70 per you do not pay for shipping. 3 – Unique express delivery with our own refrigerated truck: this service is only available after prior telephone consultation and the scope of delivery can be requested primarily within a radius of 100 km from Komárno. The fee is determined individually depending on the quantity of ordered products. The stated delivery conditions apply only to delivery within the Slovak Republic. Payment options in Slovakia are: payment in cash at the ZAX shop Komárno, payment by card or bank transfer based on the issued invoice and payment by cash on delivery.